
How are You? Really

Submitted By:
Bridget McGivern, Emma Willard School, Troy, NY

New View EDU Podcast, Episode 8: Schools as Practice Zones for Adulting by Tim Fish and Lisa Kay Solomon with Julie Lythcott-Haims
NAIS, September 28, 2021

Julie Lythcott-Haims, Stanford-Dean-turned-NY-Times-bestselling-author, speaks as frankly to caring adults as she did when she published How To Raise An Adult in 2015. In August, the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) launched the New View EDU podcast with the premise that "evolving challenges require compassionate and dynamic solutions." Lythcott-Haims' episode, "Schools as Practice Zones for Adulting," is especially relevant as school leaders manage the tension between providing excellent learning opportunities and support while simultaneously acknowledging the additional challenges our communities are navigating. Lythcott-Haims' reminders about what is truly important resonate: children and adults who can adapt will be "wildly thriving;" human connection is deliberate and at the heart of the work; resilience is built by acknowledging the struggle. Discovering the spaces and times when people can't be authentic is a guidepost to work that must be undertaken with humility. Such work can stem from small gestures like asking "How are you? No, really?" and making time and space to listen. Encouraging and vulnerable, Lythcott-Haims reminds us that imperfect adults who are still making our way play a vital role in schools. Lisa Kay Solomon sums it up: "More than anything, [Lythcott-Haims] roots for all humans and is deeply interested in all of us making it and getting through what gets in our way."

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