For students studying human geography, comparative government, macroeconomics, or modern world history, and for school leaders anticipating and planning for an ever-changing future in schools, Parag Khanna offers “planetary thinking” about the “planetary condition” in a recent piece for Noema Magazine. (Noema is a publication from the Berggruen Institute (BI) – a global network of thinkers that devises systemic solutions to the world’s challenges.) Essentially, Khanna describes global changes “from rigidity to fluidity,” characterizing today’s world as “high entropy” while adding that “entropy is not anarchy.” Exploring history, global politics, migration (as in his recent book Move: Where People Are Going for a Better Future), and economics, Khanna offers a dizzying synthesis of what is happening on our planet. What do devolution and decentralization mean for schools? Khanna’s overview that “the world has moved from a presumed monopoly to an active marketplace” may also apply to the microcosm of private schooling (in the U.S. and beyond). Where are there opportunities for “new patterns and formations?” This essay will likely be challenging and provocative in generative ways for students and educators alike.