KlingChats are lightly-facilitated conversations that help independent and international school educators connect and problem-solve together. Some examples of past KlingChats included gathering educators based on job position (i.e. elementary teachers or DEI directors), how to create meaningful events in a virtual format, and an opportunity to hear from school leaders in Asia, who had already had months of experience with the shift to virtual schooling as many in the United States were just getting started.
KlingSalon was designed to bring a small group of educators together to think deeply and brainstorm around key issues facing independent school education. In its face-to-face format, educators close to the topic frame the issue and question and small groups worked together to seek solutions. During the pandemic, KlingSalon went virtual, still bringing educators together for deep dives into thorny issues.
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Check back soon for upcoming KlingChat and KlingSalon events.