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National Geographic Special issue Gender Revolution by Susan Goldberg, Editor in Chief
National Geographic, January 2017, Vol. 231, no. 1, January 1, 2017
The January 2017 special issue of National Geographic takes the gender revolution as its sole topic, with special articles on the science of gender, a global perspective on how varying cultures see gender fluidity, how varying cultures initiate girls and boys into gender norms, the particular ways that girls in the US are socialized into femininity, and the dangers that girls face across the globe. There is also a section that clarifies terms used in talking about gender diversity. National Geographic partnered with Katie Couric to create a companion film that looks at the scientific and cultural underpinnings of gender diversity, outlining why our binary vision of gender can no longer be considered adequate or reasonable. Both resources will be helpful to schools seeking to help their student and adult communities to deepen and broaden their understanding of gender diversity and to make their schools more accepting, just, and healthy places for all. To further support the project, Journeys in Film has created an educators’ guide to Couric’s film, which is free and available for download. The articles and sections of the film can be used as a set or individually to create excellent foundations for professional development for teachers or for students in health, social studies, and science classrooms.