At the Expense of All
Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America by Ijeoma Oluo
Seal Press, December 1, 2020
"Our entire society is built to ensure that white men hoard power," Ijeoma Oluo writes in the introduction of her new book, Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America. From Buffalo Bill to Reddit message boards, Oluo guides her readers through an ambitious walk-through of American history, highlighting the ways in which white men, anxious about losing their presumptive right to dominate and subjugate, thwart social progress at the expense of all (including themselves). Of particular interest to educators is an exploration of the roots of many structures of contemporary education, such as the college admission process and the SAT, which were designed to and are successful in keeping white men in power. Additionally, Oluo unpacks the contradictions inherent in our system of higher education, naming the often overlooked fact that those who perpetuate fear about education were often educated in our most elite schools. Oluo writes, "With a clear view of the past, we may then consider trying something new for our future." In fact, Oluo challenges readers to consider their own role in oppressive systems and compels us to imagine a new future that will be brighter for all, including white men who are often pressured and constrained by white male identity.