
Can Do

Submitted By:
Meghan Tally, Windward School, Los Angeles, CA

Rubric Repair: 5 Changes that Get Results by Mark Wise
Cult of Pedagogy, March 17, 2019

Rubrics continue to be a vital yet problematic part of our assessment practices in schools; namely, they are for students yet not always written in ways that serve student learning. As Mark Wise says in this pithy summary of effective rubric practices, "rubrics are meant to clarify expectations, but poor design can make the experience anything but clear." Effective rubrics have a student-centered approach to learning and help students "self-assess, make adjustments, and improve the quality of performance." Wise offers these five key elements of effective rubrics, discussing each one in turn: 1. Measure what really matters, 2. Weigh criteria appropriately, 3. Check your math, 4. Use can-do language, and 5. Provide students with model work. For departments, teaching teams, or full faculties, Wise's piece is an accessible, quick, and meaningful overview of rubric best practices for teachers to consider and discuss.

Teaching Practice