
Leading with Voice

Submitted By:
Julia Calantone, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, New York, NY

Personalized Professional Learning by Allison Rodman
ASCD, May 1, 2019         

In Personalized Professional Learning, Allison Rodman calls for the need to change our existing ideas about what professional development looks like. Passive, all-school professional development sessions for teachers are a common practice in schools. However, these types of experiences do not typically improve teacher performance or school-wide success. Rodman's goal is for school leaders to use her book as a guide for planning more meaningful training for teachers and administrators. She outlines four attributes of professional learning to keep in mind: voice, co-creation, social construction, and self-discovery. Listening to and proactively planning around teacher voice is instrumental to the creation of a positive learning culture at a school. Rodman encourages school leaders to establish a vision for professional learning through working to align school goals and teacher goals. Teachers and leaders can then work to co-create more personalized sessions, with an emphasis on them being supportive, social, and hands-on. The ideas and skills that come out of the sessions should continue to be used and developed, promoting a sense of self-discovery and continuous growth. Personalized Professional Learning is a helpful roadmap for school leaders looking to inspire their faculties through cooperative learning experiences.

Leadership Practice