
Of Note: By Teachers, For Teachers

Submitted By:
Lauren Links, The Berkeley Carroll School, Brooklyn, NY

Talks with Teachers by Brian Sztabnik

As teachers we are busy, often isolated, and hungry for inspiration. Talks with Teachers, a podcast by Brian Sztabnik, engages education writers, education experts, and master teachers in conversations about their practice. Guests include award-winning national and state Teachers-of-the-Year who offer not only practical tips, but also compelling accounts of their own passion for their work. They share how their arrival in education shapes their practice and drives them forward. Guest experts, including the late Grant Wiggins and Scott Barry Kaufman of UPenn’s Imagination Institute, encourage teachers to shift paradigms. The podcast is made by teachers, for teachers as Sztabnik is a veteran high school teacher on Long Island whose mission is to create positive conversations around education and bring best practices to more educators. The 88 varied episodes invite listeners to connect to inspiring minds and reconsider their own assumptions about teaching, while offering brief overviews of some buoyant trends in education such as mindset theory, expertise, and mindfulness.

Teaching Practice