Of Note: Human Construct
In a Human Voice by Carol Gilligan
Polity Press, September 18, 2023
In Carol Gilligan’s new book, she revisits her pivotal work, In a Different Voice (1982), with wisdom and perspective, building on and refining her earlier research. It was Gilligan who realized women had been largely neglected in psychology; now, four decades after In a Different Voice, Gilligan elevates the importance of care ethics, reclaiming it not as feminine, but rather as a universal human construct. She urges readers to abandon competitive, hierarchical structures, which are limiting, and, instead, to move toward more relational and compassionate frameworks. Gilligan explores the difference between patriarchy and democracy, recognizing that while “gender is essential [in patriarchy], in democracy, gender is irrelevant.” Patriarchy’s dependence on gender subordinates a female perspective. When we are more compassionate – regardless of gender – we, as a society, can better focus our efforts on mutual care and wellbeing. Through a balance of personal insight, narrative examples, and research, Gilligan reminds educators that helping students feel heard and seen for their humanity is essential. In order to do so, we must foster compassionate and connected classrooms, recognizing students not only for their achievements and intellectual growth, but also for their resilience and ethical development.