Synchronous and Asynchronous, Equity and Compassion
Flexibility, Wellness, Sustainability: GOA’s Review of School Schedules for Learning Online & Compassion, Equity, Rigor: GOA’s Review of Grading Policies for Learning Online by Eric Hudson, April 10, 2020 & April 14, 2020
Schools responding to COVID-19 have had to make deeply impactful decisions quickly with limited information. To help provide additional context for what schools are doing, Global Online Academy's Eric Hudson wrote up an analysis of responses to a survey that was completed by 89 independent and international schools. These two documents, "Flexibility, Wellness, Sustainability: GOA’s Review of School Schedules for Learning Online" and "Compassion, Equity, Rigor: GOA’s Review of Grading Policies for Learning Online," are timely and invaluable resources for school leaders as they think about important decisions ahead, both for this spring and the uncertain summer and fall. The first resource contains specific models of synchronous and asynchronous schedules; just as important, it acknowledges that many schools have revised their schedules by getting feedback from school constituents, reflecting on it, and making changes. The second document outlines a range of grading approaches, with some schools citing equity and lack of teacher experience with online learning as reasons to go entirely pass/fail while others aim for continuity in grading practices leavened with compassion. As school leaders think about how to lead, and not just react, in these complex times, these articles should be read and reread for inspiration and guidance.