
What Could Be More Important?

Submitted By:
David C. Flocco, Ed.D., Montclair Kimberley Academy, Montclair, NJ

Jedfoundation.org by The JED Foundation
May 14, 2021

The JED Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to protecting the emotional health of young adults across the country. What could be more important these days? Even before the global pandemic hit in March of 2020, suicide was the leading cause of death among young people ages 18-24, and as Independent School leaders, we can all attest to the dangers of the mental health crisis in our schools today. JED meets schools where they are, offering services to benefit students, but schools need not engage formally with the JED program to benefit from their expertise. The Mental Health Resource Center offered on JED's website provides information to help teens and young adults navigate everything from stress reduction to what to do if they believe that a friend is at risk of suicide. Helpful, easy-to-digest advice about, for example, scheduling study breaks, time to be with friends, and time to exercise provide fodder for health classes, advisor groups, and community letters. Also on the website, and particularly helpful for high school educators and college counselors, is a link to "Set To Go," a resource for helping high school students prepare for a healthy transition to college and adulthood. The need to build and rebuild safe communities in our schools is ongoing; engaging in partnership with JED, or at least reviewing its abundant free resources, will bolster existing programs and help us to know that we have done all that we can for the students, faculties, and families in our care.

Student Wellness & Safety