When Young People Participate
Student Voice Research by Marc Brasof & Joseph Levitan
Teachers College Press, Teachers College, Columbia University, October 28, 2022
How do independent schools understand and amplify student voices? For researchers, leaders, teachers, and students, Marc Brasof and Joseph Levitan’s Student Voice Research offers an approachable and comprehensive collection of resources for those seeking to emphasize student voice within a school community. In a concise and digestible manner, chapters span diverse topics like reflexivity, intersubjectivity, research framework, power dynamics, meaning-making, analysis, and methods. Brasof and Levitan carefully include realistic views of the complexities, pitfalls, and stubborn resistance that can arise when young people participate in the research process. If your school is curious about engaging students in research, suggest a careful and critical read of this text by a faculty, administration, or student leadership group. If educators genuinely seek to understand how students experience school, this text provides a toolkit necessary for the journey.